Two New Books in a Week: Astrobiology has Arrived!

I wasn’t expecting my next book to appear until October, but I just got my author’s copies of Astrobiology in Lerner’s middle-grade “Cool Science” Series.

Astrobiology is the science of life in the universe. Click Astrobiology above for its snazzy cover and more information about it.

I’m really excited by this one.

By the way, “middle-grade” means that it is marketed for grades 4-8.

If you want adult-level information on the same subject, see my review of Life As We Do Not Know It by Peter Ward.

2 thoughts on “Two New Books in a Week: Astrobiology has Arrived!”

  1. I’m not complaining, believe me, but I’ve just noticed a surge of interest in my posting about the arrival of my Astrobiology book in Lerner’s “Cool Science” series. I don’t know if it is available for sale yet from the publisher, but you can pre-order it from

    If anyone can tell me how my posting just became so visible. please do so.

    Fred Bortz — Science and technology books for young readers ( and Science book reviews (

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