Cafe Scientifique Pittsburgh features…me!

I just got my e-mail about the September Cafe Scientifique get-together in Pittsburgh.

It seems I know the speaker!

Cafe Scientifique September 8 Event–20th Century Physics
Decade by Decade

Topic: Twentieth Century Physics Decade By Decade

Speaker: Dr. Fred Bortz, formerly of Carnegie Mellon, author of
many science books for children

When: Monday, September 8, 2008, at 7:00 PM at the Penn Brewery

Hello Friends of Cafe Scientifique Pittsburgh:

Hope you had a great summer–it’s back-to-beer-and-science time! (Not necessarily in that order–depending on your preference.) Dr. Fred Bortz, author of Physics: Decade by Decade, will talk to us about a few of the many surprises that twentieth century physics had in store for physicists who thought that most of the important questions had been answered. They fully expected to spend their careers refining theories and making more precise and accurate measurements of universal constants, but thankfully they were wrong. As Dr. Bortz writes:

Instead of tying up a few loose ends, physicists pulled on a few snags and watched the entire theoretical fabric of physics unravel. It would take most of the new century to reweave it.

Please join us for a rousing look at revolutions past, which may just shed some light on revolutions future! We’ll be giving away a few of the speaker’s books, and will have others for sale. As always, there will be fine food and beer to accompany the talk, and a lot of friendly, interesting people to talk to. Hope to see you there!

7 thoughts on “Cafe Scientifique Pittsburgh features…me!”

  1. They want to control the only free-land of science: forums and blogs.

    Do not listen to Fred Bortz and the stuff.
    They do not understand science.
    But they have the god — mainstream.
    If their books were creative then they would be rich.
    They are not. But they want to sell their books.
    Because the books follow the mainstream and the mainstream is considered to be their god, they try hard to suppress any new thoughts here!

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