Science Blogger and Children’s Writer Seeking Cleveland School Visits in May

As most of my regular readers know, I like to visit schools because it gives me a chance to speak directly to my readers.

I’ve just set up a visit in the Cleveland OH area in May and would like to set up one more.

In particular, I’m looking at Friday, May 9, 2008. I’m booked in Chardon for May 8 and my wife and I plan to spend Saturday, May 10, with our grand-twins.

That means I won’t be charging for travel expenses, and I’ll offer my local rate for A Day With “Dr. Fred”.

Details, including rates, references, and contact information, are at most another click away if you click here.

Discover why I tell my young readers, “I hope you always follow your questions!”

Scientifically yours,

“Dr. Fred” Bortz